Karakteristik Marshall pada Campuran Aspal Dingin dengan Asbuton Akibat Dari Penggunaan Aditif Wetfix-BE


  • I Gede Mardawa Magister Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram
  • Ervina Ahyudanari Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya
  • Suryawan Murtiadi Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering University of Mataram Indonesia




bina marga specifications, road damage, fatique loading, cyclic loading


West Nusa Tenggara Province consists of two main islands namely Lombok and Sumbawa. Regency Roads on Lombok Island, especially rural roads, has been severely damaged due to lack of routine maintenance. The types of damage that occur are cracks, small holes, and even large pools that endanger road users. This study aims to obtain a mixture of new materials in order to obtain an easy and fast repair method without reducing the quality during its intended life. In the meantime, repairing with CAD (cold asphalt mixture) requires curing time of 3x24 hours to achieve standard material quality with Marshall Characteristics according to the 2010 Bina Marga Specifications. This study combines CAD using BP (rejuvenating agent) and Wetfix-BE additive to get optimal results without curing process. The BP used is asphalt mixture, kerosene, and bunker oil stirred in a mixing machine into one unit. The results showed the optimum concentration of this mixture was 0.3% wet-be additive, 4.50% BP in CAD with asbuton proportion of 25%. In the fatigue test with a cyclic loading of 100 kPa, the pavement mixture is able to resist a fully loaded truck of 7731 times. In conclusion, this mixture combination is able to speed up the asphalt binding time by making briquettes according to the 2018 Highways Specifications without going through the long curing process.


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